Bester, M. et al., April 2010 Multi-mission Flight Operations at UC Berkeley – Experiences and Lessons Learned. (SpaceOps Conference)
Bester, M., Lewis, M., Roberts, B., Thorsness, J., McDonald, J., Pease, D., Frey, S., and Cosgrove, D., "Multi-mission Flight Operations at UC Berkeley – Experiences and Lessons Learned," Proceedings of the AIAA 2010 SpaceOps Conference, Huntsville, AL, April 25-30, 2010; AIAA 2010-2198.
Cosgrove, D. et al., April 2010 Navigating THEMIS to the ARTEMIS Low-Energy Lunar Transfer Trajectory. (SpaceOps Conference)Cosgrove, D.; S. Frey; D. Folta; M. Woodard; M. Woodfork; J. Marchese; B. Owens; S. Gandhi; and M. Bester (2010), "Navigating THEMIS to the ARTEMIS Low-Energy Lunar Transfer Trajectory," Proceedings of the AIAA 2010 SpaceOps Conference, Huntsville, AL, April 25-30, 2010; AIAA 2010-2352.
Folta, D. et al., February 2010 Stationkeeping of Lissajous Trajectories in the Earth-Moon System with Applications to ARTEMIS. (Space Flight Mechanics Meeting)D. Folta, T. Pavlak, K. Howell, M. Woodard, and D. Woodfork, "Stationkeeping of Lissajous Trajectories in the Earth-Moon System with Applications to ARTEMIS," 20th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, San Diego, California, February 2010.
Folta, D. et al., September 2010 Applications of Multi-Body Dynamical Environments: The ARTEMIS Transfer Trajectory Design. (Intl. Astronautical Congress)Folta, D., Woodard, M., Howell, K., Patterson, C., and Schlei, W., "Applications of Multi-Body Dynamical Environments: The ARTEMIS Transfer Trajectory Design," IAF 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2010.
Marchese, J. et al., April 2010 Calibration of In-Flight Maneuver Performance for the THEMIS and ARTEMIS Mission Spacecraft. (SpaceOps Conference)Marchese, J.; B. Owens; D. Cosgrove; S. Frey; and M. Bester (2010), "Calibration of In-Flight Maneuver Performance for the THEMIS and ARTEMIS Mission Spacecraft," Proceedings of the AIAA 2010 SpaceOps Conference, Huntsville, AL, April 25-30, 2010; AIAA 2010-2120.
Owens, B. et al., April 2010 On-Orbit Propellant Estimation, Management, and Conditioning for the THEMIS Spacecraft Constellation. (SpaceOps Conference)Owens, B.; D. Cosgrove; M. Sholl; and M. Bester (2010), "On-Orbit Propellant Estimation, Management, and Conditioning for the THEMIS Spacecraft Constellation," Proceedings of the AIAA 2010 SpaceOps Conference, Huntsville, AL, April 25-30, 2010; AIAA 2010-2329.
Roberts, B. et al., April 2010 THEMIS Mission Networks Expansion – Adding the Deep Space Network for the ARTEMIS Lunar Mission Phase. (SpaceOps Conference)Roberts, B., Lewis, M., Thorsness, J., Picard, G., Lemieux, G., Marchese, J., Cosgrove, D., Greer, G., Bester, M., "THEMIS Mission Networks Expansion – Adding the Deep Space Network for the ARTEMIS Lunar Mission Phase," Proceedings of the AIAA 2010 SpaceOps Conference, Huntsville, AL, April 25-30, 2010; AIAA 2010-1934.