Marchese, J. E. et al., February 2012 Optimizing Solar Radiation Coefficient as a Solve-For Parameter for the Orbit Determination Process During the Libration-Point Orbit Phase of the ARTEMIS Mission. (Space Flight Mechanics Meeting)
Marchese, J. E., Cosgrove, D., Woodard, M., Folta, D., Morinelli, P., Owens, B., Frey, D. S., Bester, M. G. (2012), "Optimizing Solar Radiation Coefficient as a Solve-For Parameter for the Orbit Determination Process During the Libration-Point Orbit Phase of the ARTEMIS Mission," Proceedings of the 22nd AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Charleston, SC, Jan. 29-Feb. 2, 2012; AAS 12-183.
Folta, D. C. et al., March 2012 Earth-Moon Libration Stationkeeping: Theory, Modeling, and Operations. (IAA/AAS Conference)Folta, D.C., Woodard, M., Pavlak, T., Haapala, A., and Howell, K.C. (2012), "Earth-Moon Libration Stationkeeping: Theory, Modeling, and Operations," 1ST IAA/AAS Conference on the Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, Porto, Portugal, March 19-21, 2012.
Owens, B. D. et al., February 2012 Mass Ejection Anomaly in Lissajous Orbit: Response and Implications for the ARTEMIS Mission. (Space Flight Mechanics Meeting)Owens, B. D., Cosgrove, D. P., Marchese, J. E., Bonnell, J. W., Pankow, D. H., Frey, S., Bester, M. G. (2012), "Mass Ejection Anomaly in Lissajous Orbit: Response and Implications for the ARTEMIS Mission, "Proceedings of the 22nd AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Charleston, SC, Jan. 29-Feb. 2, 2012; AAS 12-181.
Owens, B. D. et al., February 2012 Optimizing ARTEMIS Libration Point Orbit Stationkeeping Costs through Maneuver Performance Calibration. (Space Flight Mechanics Meeting)Owens, B. D., Marchese, J. E., Cosgrove, D. P., Frey, S., Bester, M. G. (2012), "Optimizing ARTEMIS Libration Point Orbit Stationkeeping Costs through Maneuver Performance Calibration," Proceedings of the 22nd AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Charleston, SC, Jan. 29-Feb. 2, 2012; AAS 12-182.
Samad, R. L. et al., March 2012 Direct Observations of Lunar Pickup Ions in the Magnetosphere Tail-Lobes by ARTEMIS. (43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference)Samad, R. L., Poppe, A. R., Halekas, J. S., Delory, G. T., Angelopoulos, V., Farrell, W. M. (2012), "Direct Observations of Lunar Pickup Ions in the Magnetosphere Tail-Lobes by ARTEMIS," 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, March 19–23, 2012; LPI Contribution No. 1659, id.2352.
Whiffen, G.J. and T.H. Sweetser, August 2012 Earth Orbit Raise Design for the ARTEMIS Mission. (AIAA/AAS Conference)Whiffen, G. J., Sweetser, T. H. (2012), "Earth Orbit Raise Design for the ARTEMIS Mission," AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Minneapolis, MN, August 13–16, 2012; AAS 2012-4427.